Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thinner, faster, smarter: how Apple keeps us taking tablets

Wednesday Apple released the second iPadversion of. Pardon me while I gabe: I know, it is impolite to make it publicly but what the hell? iPad 2 is thinner – down from the 13.4 mm to 8.8 mm, if you please. (Who has said that you can never be too thin or too rich?) It is also faster courtesy of a dual-core A5 processor. And it has been two cameras, not less, a front and a back, plus a gyroscope. If there is no spin, news, iPad 2 is 15% lighter than its predecessor, permanently.

And – get this – a simple $ 39 (£ 24) extra you can get a magnetised polyurethane cover which switches the unit from when you put it on the top! Oooh: and the cover also smudge marks cleans left by your greasy fingers on touchscreen! Now I know what you think, dear reader: a subculture who think that this thing is hot news must be multiple bit map in a byte. And it is difficult to disagree.

On the other hand, is unpleasant, that Mr jobs ability to lure as many otherwise sane people to his product, the upgrade treadmill Apple has the second most valuable company on the planet. And it is definitely news. The logical next step for Apple fans will be to have their salary (plus bonuses, of course) is paid directly to the Steve Jobs, which will then provide them with regular kit upgrades plus food coupons in return.

The technology industry appetite for trivia never ceases to amaze a. Over in another corner of the forest, HP and rim, two companies that are trying to play the iPad computer experiences, petty on each other. RANDS BlackBerry device called the shooting script, while HPS efforts are called TouchPad. They have different screen sizes, but in some respects seem remarkably similar. "The BlackBerry Tablet operating system", says Laptop magazinesees the "specific out RIM has taken a page out of webOS [ie HP] script." For example, "both tablets make open applications as map, which you can easily a swipe through for multitasking, and you can close apps use both operating systems by reservation guarantee them off the screen".

The magazine asked both companies for their responses to these comments. ' It is a rapid innovation cycle and rapid imitation cycle in this market, ' says HP's Jon Oakes, snootily, "so … we want to keep innovating … these guys and hopefully will continue to see value in it and keep after us for about a year".

Stung by this, Jeff McDowell rim pointed out that "cars of the future end look very similar, because you put them through a wind tunnel, and when you are trying to come up with the best coefficient to drag ratio, there is the optimized shape that gets the best wind resistance, right? Well, when you try to optimize the user experience that Promo multitasking, multiple apps open at once, and a small screen, you will have people land on similar types of design. "

In other words, as American technology commentator John Paczkowski say it: "our iPad challenger is more original than your iPad challenger".

Neither man commented on the really interesting aspect of the story, namely that neither the company had yet been able to actually deliver a tablet, though both come really soon now.

While this was going on, Apple Microsoft and arguing about capitalization. A while back Apple tried to trademark law phrase "App Store" – the name of its online store downloadable applications. Microsoft objected, arguing that the term was also "generic". (This from the company whose main products are Windows, Office, Word and Excel.) On Monday last, beaten Apple back. "Beneath the stands a decades long genericness [sic] challenge to its alleged Windows mark," sniffed it in a court filing, "Microsoft should be good, the focus of the evaluation is on genericness mark as a whole and requires a fact-intensive assessment of primary importance to in the long term to a substantial majority of the relevant public.

"Yet, Microsoft is missing the forest for the trees, not base its motion for a resolution on a comprehensive evaluation of how the relevant public understands the concept of the App Store as a whole. It offers instead is out of context snippets and misleading material printed by its outsiders from Internet lawyer and claims about how the public supposedly interpret the components of the term App Store, ie, ' app ' and ' great '. "

If this reminds you two bald men argue over a comb, then welcome to the Club. You don't have to be a neurotic work with technology company, but it helps secure.

View the original article here

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