While most games God have you manage statistics in what may feel like a beautiful colored dishearteningly set of Excel spreadsheets, from dust has an entirely more tactile set of priorities and would rather you spend your time moulding the soil see what is happening than brooding over crop yields. This levels represent miniature playground to experiment with the tools at your disposal: sand, lava and water. Each behave more or less as you would expect, with high enough true or lava walls divert water until it gets deep enough into the overflow area. These materials have been augmented by special powers of access to the supporters massing around the totem poles, while you can build a revelatory encyclopaedia of your environment by releasing tribal memories, triggered by spreading palm trees across its dry and rocky archipelagos. Its gentle pace and encouragement to play with toys allows you do this for a very pleasant gaming experience in this secluded gem of a game.
Ubisoft, 1200 Microsoft points (approximately £ 10.28)

The object of magnetic Billiards is to clear the tables full of colored pucke by banks them so that they hit and stick with matching colors. Bouncing from the pages of the table and passes close to the other colors increase up your score multiplier while creating geometrical shapes with your increasingly complex puck clusters adds to your combo, gives rise to some really absurd scores when you got the hang of it. Its magical come however from Nintendo-esque levels of refinement, with each table a stricter masterpiece of risk and opportunitythat asks you to meter each shot with fanatical precision, revelling in the absence of deadlines. Its atmosphere is as finely crafted as its mechanics, with frequent interjections from the Pickford brothers developers along with the most from named and thoroughly English assortment of unlockable achievements ever to grace a video game. The fact that it looks like a beautiful animated hand-drawn blueprint is entirely appropriate to what is clearly a labor of considerable love. And it's free.
Zee 3 Digital Publishing, free, extra table specifies 69 p-£ 2.49

owain weinert is a terminally ill 10-year-old boy, introduced by the Foundation's Make-A-wish to Team 17 Software Ltd, irrepressibly quirky developer recently very asbestos pollution purchased by Electronic Arts. He had developed a video game, and thanks team 17 Software Ltd, Allied Star police have been produced, and is now available free on the App Store. Just download it, I believe in. got something in my eye …
eurogamer Expo has announced that it will be held in Earls Court year, thereby sparing video game-loving the desolate annual odyssey to London's Docklands. Show looks set to feature playable versions of everything from Assassin's Creed: revelations to uncharted 3: Drake deception …
In the meantime have excitable radio commentator Glenn Beck in the United States compared mobile gaming classic Angry birds with both Nazi Germany and a socialist State in a political comparison has even regular players in the game confused.
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