Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy protests around the world: full list visualised

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"951 cities in 82 countries" has become the standard definition of the scale of the Occupy protests around the world this weekend, following on from the Occupy Wall Street and Madrid demonstrations that have shaped public debate in the past month.

We wanted to list exactly where protests have taken place as part of the Occupy movement - and see exactly what is happening where around the globe.

As we wrote this week:

Protests inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and the "Indignants" in Spain have spread to cities around the world. Tens of thousands went on the march in New York, London, Frankfurt, Madrid, Rome, Sydney and Hong Kong as organisers aimed to "initiate global change" against capitalism and austerity measures. There were extraordinary scenes in New York where at least 10,000 protesters took their message from the outpost of Zuccotti Park into the heart of the city, thronging into Times Square.

So, we have started listing all the events we can find verified news reports for. There's not 951 yet, but we do have most of the major ones. You can see them mapped here:

Larger version

But what have we missed? If you know of one that should be on the list, you can help by filling in the form below.

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