Apple is secretive about its supply chain in China than almost all of its rivals, according to a new report by durability of activists, who accuse the company's products degrading environment and poisoning workers.
Despite its claim to be a leading promoter corporate ethics worldwide, maker iPads and iPhones came joint bottom among 29 large firms in transparency study drawn up by a coalition of China's leading environmental groups.
"Behind their stylish image Apple products have a hand, many do not know – pollution and married. This page is hidden deep within the company's secretive supply chain, "claims a declaration from the 36 groups involved in the Green choice initiative.
Their report — for the fourth to look at the effects of global brands on China's environment – view of the openness, enterprises and their reactivity reports of environmental violations at suppliers.
It follows a series of occupational poisoning, heavy metal contamination incidents and suicides at Chinese factories that provide materials and components for mobile phones and computers.
Many leading brands Outsource production to little-known Chinese enterprises, where labour costs may be lower, weaker and environmental safety standards more lax than in the West.
Foreign companies say they promote global levels of corporate social responsibility. The Apple supplier code of conduct claims to draw on "internationally recognised standards to advance social and environmental responsibility".
But it is difficult for third parties to keep foreign companies to account, because they tend to be secretive about their suppliers, pasting corporate confidentiality. This lack of transparency, combined with official corruption and dire political accountability has made China a haven for polluters.
In recent years has more than 3000 children diagnosed with unsafe levels of lead in their blood in a series of heavy metal contamination outbreaks near melting plants. Many of the facilities, provided the materials used in batteries and casings for foreign IT companies.
None of the 29 companies in examination required for their suppliers to disclose information of the discharges, waste, even though there were great differences in their responses to public inquiries and reported environmental problems. Apple was ranked – in parallel with other major consumer electronics companies – which are at least willing to provide data or to answer questions about suppliers.
The authors say Apple's suppliers have been involved in the violation of environmental regulations. The report noted waste discharge violations in recent years by several Chinese companies, which is believed to be a part of Apple's supply chain.
Labour conditions were also called into question, when at least a dozen workers jumped to their deaths last spring at Foxconn electronics complex in Shenzhen, which makes parts for Apple and other foreign companies.
Critics say, foreign firms are mainly responsible for the pollution because they insist on low prices, which puts pressure on suppliers to reduce costs, and corners. This is disputed by the companies.
Apple's reticence was heavily criticized in May last year, when at least 62 workers fell ill after inhaling n-hexane is used to clean the touch screen on a Wintek electronics factory in Suzhou. Leaders on the allegedly changed the harmful chemical – which can damage nerve in up to two years — apparently because the dried faster than alcohol, Taiwan-owned factory thereby increasing efficiency.
Hospitalised victims, quoted in the new green choice video, said they made products to Apple and has written for the company's chief executive, Steve Jobs, asking for an explanation.
"We will ask you whether or not you should be responsible for the supplier companies you have chosen?" you ask in the letter. "When you look at the Apple Phone do you use in your hand and you a swipe it with your finger, it is possible that you may feel as if it is no longer a beautiful screen to show off, but life and blood of us employees and victims? You supervise audit staff to ensure that they were responsible and diligent? "
Nokia and Motorola answered questions about their involvement with Wintek soon after poisoning was unveiled. Apple has yet to confirm or rule out a relationship. The company said it would not comment on individual claims.
The report's authors say they tried months raising Wintek with Apple, but it refused to comment directly.
"This position means it is impossible to have any official supervision over their entire supply chain. Without, how can we trust them? "Ma Jun said of the Institute for public and environmental affairs. "When environmental violations becomes public knowledge, they should not use commercial confidentiality as an excuse for silence. This is different from other leading brands. "
Hewlett Packard, British Telecom, Samsung, Sony, Siemens and Alcatel was credited as being most responsive to third-party queries about alleged environmental violations.
"Apple can say, it is completely ' green ', because it is a brand with no factory, but if we do not manage its supply chain, these are just empty words," said Ma Jun of the Institute for public and environmental affairs. "Far from the best on the planet, it is at the bottom among 29 the tags. Apple should be a leader. If it can move on this, it can change the entire industry. "
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