Welcome to the land of media surprise where no tablet is set in stone., on the one hand is because Rupert Murdoch, spending several million launch daily — its new digital newspaper iPad users — standing side by side with the legendary Steve Jobs, the real big Apple. On the other hand, can he not: Steve, the world now knows, is off sick again.
On the one hand, Apple sold more than 17 m iPads last year, and analysts sales forecasts 44.6 m in 2011. On the other hand see the hope that this will prove to be a launch pad for newspaper fortunes suffered in the WAN side. The latest research from knowledge networks shows that a mere 13% of iPad users will probably download an app for a tray or paper they already pay for — and out of a current average of 24 apps per user, only six involves payment.
On the one hand, screen size shrinking along with expectations (the latest guardian and the Daily Mail apps iPhone connections cost £ 3.99 p a year and £ 8.99 p respectively create a tiny paywall around digital news services free of charge on the Internet). On the other hand, is tearing Benedict Evans at the revered Enders analysis, his hair. "To be worth, has a paywall to earn more than you lose in ad revenue from a lower audience — so why guardian is charging less than £ 4?" And on the other hand other hand Enders will sometimes the wrong.
On the one hand, on a daily basis will cost subscribers 99 cents a day (not so far from a Print newspaper price) and the independent's "in" app aims to 20 p a time, exactly the same as in Print. On the other hand (see the guardian, Telegraph, Mail and many more) mail to news sites will be free, and apps not to amount more than 1% of the price of the print coverage.
On the one hand, James Murdoch believe Print subscribers, who migrate to web/pad subscriptions leave their old Print-reading loyalty behind, which may be one reason why (post-paywall) times circulation was down 14% year on year in December. On the other hand, two quality papers with free ferieønsker news sites – Telegraph and guardian – was also down 10.2 and 11,8% (and perhaps private places some of this loss to the iPhone app Seepage).
On the one hand, we all know then what we are doing, and where we are. On the other hand, search me! I have not a clue.
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